Tuesday 25 April 2017

An Anniversary wish

It was 12 in the night and the day I had been waiting was here, "My Anniversary". My darling showered all his love full of wishes and gifts. Wishes started to pour in when couple of my cousins and relatives called me. In the morning our parents wished us and bestowed their blessings. Our daily routine started, the whole day went with an awesome feeling of togetherness, love and joy. After coming back from work, we went to a cosy, fine-dining restaurant, had a great romantic evening. But by the end of the day, my whole joy suddenly went low as i realised that some close friends of mine, family members’ didn’t wish us. So, I called my elders to take their blessings. And when i told my elder brother that it’s our anniversary, He simply said," Oops..! You haven’t updated your status on facebook. So, how would i know? "

This sentence just stunned me. A question then raised in my mind. Is Social Networking sites has become so important in our lives…???  The answer is somewhat yes. Though these sites has made easier and cheaper to communicate and connect with people across the world. But on the other hand, people has started to lose physical communication and interaction in the real world. We are totally dependent on social networking sites for keeping us up to date for b’days & anniversaries rather for recreation. As much as the rest of world, I too scroll my account daily, to update myself for upcoming events in the near future. Hence, I cannot point fingers to others without pointing one at myself.  
I suck. But, isn’t that a statement of how relationships have changed?

Why do we have to know our friends when we have social media to know our friends?

Though social media has helped us in a good way connecting with people, even finding long lost friends, it has few negatives also which hampers us. Notably, the impact it creates on relationships. Social media has created a virtual happy world where it gives an impression that people surrounding us are all awesome and having great time of their life. But, in real sense no one knows the real state of the people surrounding them.

This makes me wonder, How well do I know my friends? How well do my friends know me?
I tried to remember, when was the last time I called up my friend just to know how is he/she doing?

After pondering over these questions and a lot of thought, I came to the conclusion that in order to be blessed with true friendship, I can’t solely depend upon social media. I have to come out from this virtual world of social media and invest some time to nurture my relations with others.

What is more important: a virtual world of hollow relations or a close knit family on which your can rely anytime.....!